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  • Writer's pictureJean Percy School of Barbering

Hair Color Dos And Don’ts

A Guide to Vibrant and Healthy Hair


Hair color has the power to transform your entire look, boosting your confidence and adding a touch of personal style. Whether you're going for a subtle change or a bold statement, it's important to approach hair color with care and consideration. In this blog, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of hair color to help you achieve vibrant and healthy locks while minimizing potential risks and damage.


1. Do Consult with a Professional:

When it comes to hair color, it's best to seek the expertise of a professional colorist. They can assess your hair condition, recommend suitable colors, and apply the color with precision. Professionals also have the knowledge and experience to minimize damage and ensure the desired outcome.

2. Do Consider Your Skin Tone:

The right hair color can complement your skin tone and enhance your features. Cool-toned individuals may opt for ash blondes or cool browns, while warm-toned individuals may suit golden blondes or rich coppers. Consulting with a colorist can help you determine the most flattering shades for your skin tone.

3. Do Perform a Strand Test:

Before committing to a full-head color application, it's crucial to perform a strand test. This involves applying the color to a small section of hair to evaluate how it will turn out and to check for any adverse reactions. This simple step can help you avoid potential color mishaps and ensure your hair remains healthy.

4. Do Invest in Quality Hair Care Products:

Maintaining vibrant and healthy color requires the right hair care products. Invest in shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for color-treated hair. These products are designed to protect your hair color, minimize fading, and keep your locks nourished and manageable.


1. Don't Overdo Bleaching:

Bleaching can be harsh on your hair, particularly when done excessively. Avoid over-bleaching, as it can weaken the hair structure and lead to dryness, breakage, and brittleness. If you're aiming for a lighter shade, consult with a professional colorist to minimize damage and maintain hair health.

2. Don't Skip Patch Tests:

Before applying any hair color or dye, always perform a patch test to check for allergic reactions or sensitivity. This involves applying a small amount of the product to a small area of skin and waiting for any adverse reactions. Neglecting this step can lead to unexpected allergies or irritation.

3. Don't Frequent Color Changes:

While it's tempting to experiment with various hair colors, frequent color changes can take a toll on your hair's health. Constant exposure to chemical treatments can lead to dryness, damage, and weakened strands. Allow your hair sufficient time to recover between color changes to maintain its strength and vitality.

4. Don't Neglect Hair Care Maintenance:

Color-treated hair requires extra care to retain its vibrancy and health. Avoid excessive heat styling, which can cause color fading and further damage. Additionally, protect your hair from UV rays by wearing a hat or using UV-protective hair products. Regular trims will also help remove split ends and keep your hair looking fresh.


Achieving the perfect hair color is an exciting endeavor, but it requires careful consideration and maintenance. By following these dos and don'ts of hair color, consulting with a professional, and investing in quality hair care products, you can enjoy vibrant, healthy locks while minimizing potential damage. Remember, your hair is unique, and understanding its needs will help you maintain your desired hair color with confidence and style.

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